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Inside there are art events such as exhibitions and concerts but also the major fairs of Perugia. Space is also dedicated to the theatres, museums and churches of the city.

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Choose from more than 50 experiences in Perugia: museums, private tours and food tours.

Luna Park. Baracconi a Perugia Luna Park. Baracconi a Perugia - Pian di Massimo - Perugia

Festival running from 14 October to 12 November 2023

The traditional Luna Park returns every year in October. Baracconi in Perugia with its enormous load of attractions. In fact, it is now a centenary tradition that brings to the city for 4 weeks at most large amusement park in central Italy. The event for all enthusiasts and children is in Pian di Massiano when the tour will begin with a bang thanks to the fireworks show.

Festa dei Falò - San Martino dei Colli (Perugia) Festa dei Falò - San Martino dei Colli (Perugia)

Festival running from 13 to 22 October 2023

The Balfire Festival is held every year in October with a 10-evening programme offering gastronomy and live music. The party gives appointment for all enthusiasts every evening inside the walls of the medieval village for the opening of the food stand which will be followed by concerts and shows. groups and tribute bands will take turns on stage to make the audience dance every evening to the rhythm of the great national hits. The shows are free to enter.

Festa del Calcio Giovanile - Pianello (Perugia) Festa del Calcio Giovanile d'Arna - Pianello (Perugia)

Festival running from 6 to 15 October 2023

The Arna Youth Football Festival is held every year in October with a 10-evening programme which always offers good gastronomy and lots of live music. The party gives appointment for all enthusiasts every evening from 7.00pm for the opening of the food stand which will be followed by concerts and shows. regional orchestras will take turns on stage to make the audience dance every evening. The shows are free to enter.

Exhibition Collezione Marabottini Maioliche Rinascimentali della Fondazione Crpg - Palazzo Baldeschi al Corso - Corso Vannucci, 66 - Perugia

Permanent exhibition

Permanent exhibition of one of the most prestigious Renaissance majolica collections in Italy.

Exhibition Collezione Marabottini Collezione Marabottini - Palazzo Baldeschi al Corso - Corso Vannucci, 66 - Perugia

Permanent exhibition

Permanent exhibition with works that belonged to the scholar and collector Alessandro Marabottini (1926-2012); there are more than 700 works of art by the Florentine scholar including paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, glass, ivories, miniatures, waxworks, furnishings and porcelain dating back to a period between the 16th and 20th centuries.

Exhibition Dottori e i Futuristi umbri Dottori e i Futuristi umbri - Palazzo della Penna, via Podiani 11 - Perugia

Permanent exhibition

On permanent display on the 1st floor of Palazzo Penna are drawings and paintings by Gerardo Dottori (1884-1977) together with works by his Umbrian futurist followers such as Leandra Angelucci Cominazzini, Alessandro Bruschetti, Enrico Cagianelli, Giuseppe Preziosi. Some representative paintings by Doctors are on display such as the Triptych of speed, City fire, Ascension forces, Self-portrait, Flora.

Exhibition VI Premio Fondazione VAF Luisa Spagnoli e il ciclo murale di Gerardo Dottori - Stabilimento Luisa Sagnoli, Strada Santa Lucia, 71 - Perugia

Permanent exhibition

In the Città dell'angora, a working citadel wanted by Mario Spagnoli in 1947, you can visit the permanent exhibition Luisa Spagnoli and the mural cycle by Gerardo Dottori, a futurist artist from Perugia, which was rediscovered by his great-granddaughter Nicoletta Spagnoli who decided to recover it through a restoration that led to the opening of the permanent exhibition.

Nobile Collegio del Cambio Nobile Collegio del Cambio - Via Pietro Vannucci - Perugia

Built between 1452 and 1457, the Nobile Collegio del Cambio features in the Audience Hall one of the greatest examples of Renaissance art: wooden furnishings by Domenico del Tasso (1491-1500) wooden shutters by Antonio Bencivenni (1501), frescoes by Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino.

Hours: weekdays from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 17.30, holidays from 9.00 to 13.00. Closed on Monday afternoons, December 25th and January 1st.
Phone: +39.075.5728599
Web: Nobile Collegio del Cambio

Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria - Corso Vannucci, 19 - Perugia

Inside Palazzo dei Priori, one of the greatest examples of architecture Italian Gothic, a collection of works covering an arc between the 13th and 19th centuries.

Hours: from Tuesday to Sunday from 8.30 to 19.30. Closed every Monday, January 1st, May 1st, December 25th. Extraordinary opening on Monday from 2 April to 30 September 2012 from 9:30 to 19:30 (last admission: 18:30).
Phone: +39.075.58668410, fax +39.075.58668400
Web: Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo Cattedrale di San Lorenzo - Piazza IV Novembre e da Piazza Danti - Perugia

The Cathedral of Perugia was built (IX century) on the site where previously there was the Roman forum and a temple dedicated to Vulcano or, more probably to Uni, counterpart goddess of Juno in the Etruscan Pantheon and patroness of Perugia.

Style: Gothic.
Built: 1345-1490
Hours: 7:30-12:00; 16:00-18:30; public holidays: 8:00-12.00; 16:00-18:30.
Tickets: free admission.
Phone: +39.075.5723832

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